Help us help more people
Open Door has always been a charity, providing free or highly subsidised counselling for as many of our clients as possible, particularly those on low incomes.
We are supported by a range of charitable donations and public sector grants, and by the time given to us by our counselling volunteers.
Our therapeutic services range from counselling for schools, corporate counselling, or therapy for trainee counsellors, to individual and couples counselling, family support, and support groups for adults.
If you or someone you love has benefitted from Open Door’s support in the past, please consider donating to support our work so we can continue to provide essential services at affordable rates for those in need.
Make a one off donation
Please contact us to make a one-off donation. Any monetary support — however small it may seem — makes a big difference and is very gratefully received.
To donate, please get in touch using our contact form, email info@opendoorcounselling.org.uk or telephone 0121 454 1116 and we can provide our bank details.
Pay it forward
Counselling is a developmental process, not a single-session solution. Why not consider donating a bundle of sessions to help someone who couldn’t otherwise afford counselling.
£120 will pay for three counselling sessions
£200 will pay for five counselling sessions
£480 will pay for twelve counselling sessions.
Help us to help others the way we helped you.
Leave a gift in your will
One in four people annually experience mental health issues; support is necessary and transformative. If someone you loved would have benefited from our services, making a tribute donation is a thoughtful way to honour their memory. If you yourself have received support from Open Door, please consider leaving us a gift in your will — your legacy will ensure we can continue our vital work, saving and improving the lives of so many.
Donations from dormant funds
A ‘dormant fund’ describes a financial account left untouched for an extended period of time and therefore unclaimed despite attempts to trace and repay the owner. Solicitors can choose to donate those funds to a charity of their choice.
If the amount is less than £500 a donation can be made without permission from the Solicitors Regulation Association, providing certain conditions have been met.
If the balance is over £500, use the Solicitors Regulation Authority's form to apply to withdraw funds from the client account. Find out more.
Donating dormant funds helps to subsidise our indispensable services. As a charity, Open Door cannot exist without donations like these.
To arrange a donation of dormant funds, please use our contact form to get in touch, email info@opendoorcounselling.org.uk or telephone 0121 454 1116 so we can provide our bank details.