Another door opens


Our new premises at Quadrant Court



Only a few months ago our landlord paid us an unexpected visit.

The news was not good. After almost 20 years in our much loved home, the epicentre of the work we do, we needed to leave to make way for the landlord to re-develop our building.

After the initial shock and sadness we dug deep and moved into action arranging viewings, contacting removal firms and visiting storage facilities. After a very anxious few weeks, with our leaving date fast approaching, by chance we stumbled across consulting rooms just around the corner from our existing home. Staying in this central location is absolutely vital to maintain contractual obligations and to ensure we are easily accessible for our clients.


After viewing the rooms and meeting the Centre Manager Irene we  knew we had found our new home. The heavy fog of worry lifted and we started to get excited.

Moving day came round with the blink of an eye. Good planning and the fantastic efforts of our movers meant the day went without incident. This allowed us to add the Open Door sparkle to our therapy rooms, bringing with us our much treasured furniture and accessories to recreate the spaces where our clients feel comfortable and safe.

Almost a month into our new home we are settled and feeling well and truly at home. Our clients love our new space, and we are extremely proud that throughout this time we have delivered an uninterrupted service to our clients, who remain at the centre of everything we do.

Over our almost 60 year history we have faced many challenges. We respond with resilience and determination and our recent relocation is no different.

Thank you to our clients and staff for bearing with us and adapting to the move with calmness.

A special thanks to:

Ruth, for organising, packing, boxing and the endless tip runs.

Colette for sharing the burden, for staying positive and attending meetings with me and championing the charity as always.

Irene and all the staff and fellow residents of Quadrant Court who have welcomed us with open arms, making us and our clients feel at ease.

And a final thanks to our MP Preet Kaur Gill, who fought our corner and helped us to transition from our old to new home.

Here comes the next chapter… watch out I think it's going to be a good one!


Chief Exec


pictures can tell a thousand words…

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